Monday, December 31, 2012

A Non-Boring 2012

Wow, what a year! I know it's cliche to say, but it really did go by quickly. It seems like just yesterday that I was writing about Alec's 4th birthday, and now my little guy is almost five years old! How is that possible?

2012 brought lots of memorable posts for Mommy's Always Write. With the end of the year upon us I decided to take a look back through my posts and reminisce a bit. Here are some highlights from the year...

The year began with my discovery that my boys have superpowers. You would think that once I discovered this amazing phenomenon, the rest of the year would seem somewhat boring. However, the rest of the year was anything but boring.

Mommy's Always Write experienced some exciting changes as my blog joined the world of social media on facebook and twitter. I also enjoyed my fifth Mother's Day, where my one wish was to get a picture of me with my boys.

As we headed into summer, I created a plan to help me survive the summer home with my boys. Chad had me in tears of laughter at something that happened to him when he was on "Daddy Duty" while I was out. But I think he had it coming to him after he left me alone with the kids for six days when he had to travel for business. We also took a family vacation to Florida, complete with a tropical storm and an encounter with a guy named "Big Taco."

As the end of the summer drew nearer, I had an INCREDIBLE opportunity to be a featured blogger on the Scary Mommy website. I'm still pinching myself to make sure I'm not dreaming about that one. The last few weeks of summer included a solo trip with the boys to visit my mom. I also discovered four things that have me trembling in fear as a mother.

By the time summer was over, I was ready for the boys to go to preschool. I don't think I could have handled another trip to the card store with both of them in tow!

Once the boys were both in school, I assumed I would be cranking out the blog posts left and right. Turns out I was wrong! I guess I was too busy losing sleep and worrying about the flu shot.

Before I knew it, the holidays were upon us. In the spirit of Thanksgiving and being thankful, I had the great crazy idea to do a blog challenge sharing something trivial that I am thankful for every day in November. I really have no idea what I was thinking. Somehow I managed to complete it, but I don't think I'll be repeating that challenge again next year! November also came with another exciting featured blogger opportunity, this time for the SITS Girls website.

By the time November was over, I think I went into writing hibernation. Or maybe I was just busy getting ready for Christmas. Either way, I took a few weeks off from writing to enjoy the holidays with family. During this time, I managed to take quite a few pictures, including some that captured my boys in some interesting situations. Needless to say, these photos won't be making the Christmas card any time soon.

So here we are at the end of the year. It's been a good one with some interesting twists along the way. I'm looking forward to seeing what 2013 has in store for me, though I have a feeling that it is going to be just as non-boring as 2012...At least I hope so!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of great highlights! Happy New Year! One of these days I'd love to submit a guest post. Maybe I'll make that my resolution for 2013. :)
