Chad just got back from a 5-day business trip to Texas.
These are some highlights from while he was gone.
Missed Days 1 & 2? Check them out here!
~Day 3~
Alec and Chase get up at 7:00am. I have decided that today is going to be a great day.
We head downstairs, and I take the dog out. While outside, she rolls around in poop. Awesome. So much for that great day. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing at 7:15am than bathing a dog that rolled in poop. Is it too early to open that bottle in the fridge?
Now that the dog is clean, we need to get ready to go to a birthday party for our friends' son who is turning one. It is a pool party, so the boys are very excited. I somehow manage to get everyone dressed, load the pool bag, wrap the present and make it out the door on time.
We spend most of the day at the party, so nap time/quiet time doesn't happen. By the time we get home I am exhausted, and the boys are too. But it's already almost bedtime for the kids, and after bedtime it is girl's night!
I put the kids down about a half hour early because they are exhausted and because I don't have the energy to do anything other than sit down and space out. My friends get here a little while later. It is finally time to open that bottle!
I have a great time actually having a conversation with other adults, and I am comforted by the fact that my kids are not the only ones who have had issues with wipes, bacon bits, toilet paper and similar objects. I go to bed feeling like I can tackle the next two days.
~Day 4~
The boys "sleep in" until 7:38am. They really DO love me!
We've been running around like crazy for the past few days, so today we just hang out at home. For the most part we don't drive each other crazy.
I have decided that if Chase takes a long nap, I am going to attempt to take the boys to the drive-in movie theater to see Madagascar 3 tonight. I'm not sure if this makes me a good mom or a crazy mom. I'm leaning toward the latter.
Chase takes an awesome nap, so the drive-in is on! We head over around 6:30pm to get a good spot and have dinner there.
The boys couldn't have behaved any better. They were so good and had a great time, although I think they enjoyed having free roam of the car better than actually watching the movie. We head home at 11:00pm. This is later than the boys have ever been up. They fall asleep as soon as the car starts moving!
Once home, I transfer the boys to their beds, head over to my bed and pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow.
Ready to hear about Days 5 & 6? Here they are!
Love that last picture. Two passed out kids equals one happy momma!